Best Hat Yai Shopping places by ECOCAR Car Rental Hatyai

Best Hat Yai Shopping places by ECOCAR's Car Rental Hatyai

ECOCAR Car Rental hatyai shopping
Do you like going shopping !?
So ECOCAR rent-a-car's Car Rental Hatyai will be going to present about the shopping places for you when you stay in Hat Yai. So These are the best Hat Yai Shopping places that make you be fun for buying and eating some items.

Best Hat Yai Shopping places by Car Rental Hatyai
Klonghae Floating Market

Car Rental Hatyai ECOCAR

This is only a floating market in the Southern that there are many visitors both Thais and Malaysians to go shopping. There are many things for buying such as Halal Thai food and local products. It opens every weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) between 3 pm to 9 pm.

Best Hat Yai Shopping places by Car Rental Hatyai
Lee Garden Hat Yai Walking Street

Car Rental Hatyai ECOCAR

It's one of the best Hat Yai shopping places that is located in the city downtown, Prachathipat Road. There are many visitors for enjoying with nightlife and tasting with Thai food stands that there is a Halal label to guarantee for Muslim people. It opens daily between 5 p.m. to midnight on weekends.

Best Hat Yai Shopping places by Car Rental Hatyai
Kim Yong Market

Car Rental Hatyai ECOCAR

It's located at Supasarn Rungsan Road that is a famous local market in Hat Yai downtown. There are many items for buying such as snacks from Malaysia and Singapore, clothes and processed dry food. It opens daily from 6 am to 6 pm.

Best Hat Yai Shopping places by Car Rental Hatyai
Greenway Garden Center

Car Rental Hatyai ECOCAR

It's the biggest night market in Hat Yai near Hat Yai Bus Terminal Station that there are many teenagers and foreigners to visit. There are 3 zones to choose such as the Plaza zone, Food zone and Handmade product from their car boot sales. It opens every Tuesday - Sundays between 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Best Hat Yai Shopping places by Car Rental Hatyai
ASEAN Trade Market

Car Rental Hatyai ECOCAR

It's located next to Hatyai Bus Terminal Station. There are many second-hand clothes, bags, and shoes including the local cuisine. It opens every Tuesday - Sundays between 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. This market is the most popular for Malaysian tourists who go cross a border to spend money for going shopping.

Best Hat Yai Shopping places by Car Rental Hatyai
Santisuk Market

Car Rental Hatyai ECOCAR

The small alley market that is located in Niphat Uthit 2 Road and Niphat Uthit 3 Road. There are many products for buying as souvenirs e.g. electronic stuff, cosmetics, clothes, leather products, and local souvenirs from Thailand, China, Malaysia, and Singapore. It opens daily from 9 am to 7 pm. 

This market is the most popular market as same as ASEAN Market for Malaysian tourists including Singaporeans who go cross a border or fly from the Malay Peninsula's End to spend money for going shopping that you can see many cars from the Land of Malay Peninsula with their license plates. 

All in all, these are the best attractions for going shopping around Hat Yai so if you need a car, you can rent a car with ECOCAR rent-a-car's 
Car Rental Hatyai.


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