7 Best Attractions around Lopburi-Saraburi

Best Attractions around Lopburi-Saraburi by ECOCAR rent-a-car's Car Rental Bangkok

Car Rental Thailand ECOCAR Saraburi Lopburi

Lopburi and Saraburi are the neighbor cities in the Central Thais where they are not far from Bangkok to visit there. So ECOCAR rent-a-car's Car Rental Thailand will recommend about 7 best attractions for both cities for your car rental driving.

ECOCAR rent-a-car at Lopburi : Prang Sam Yot

Car Rental Thailand Lopburi Prang Sam Yot

This is the Landmark for Lopburi that is located in the downtown area. It was Khmer Stone Castle Style that had founded in the 12th or 13th century. Nowadays you can visit there by the admission 50 THB and open every Wednesday to Sunday from 8am - 5pm.

ECOCAR rent-a-car at Lopburi : San Phra Kan Shrine

Car Rental Thailand ECOCAR Lopburi

It's not far from Prang Sam Yot. It is the Ancient Khmer Structure that was mostly built in the 11th century until in 1951 that has rebuilt the new shrine in the Hindu Style with God Vishnu (God Narai) on four arms. Nowadays there are many monkeys around the shrine so you ought to beware about your belongings to be lost.

ECOCAR rent-a-car at Lopburi : King Narai the Great Monument

Car Rental Thailand ECOCAR King Narai

It's located in the center of Thepsatri Roundabout that there is a statue in the fully king uniform on standing. It has showed since 1966 for paying respect the King Narai the Great who was the King of Ayutthaya that he had made the first relationship between Thailand and France in his time and he had ordered to establish this city for the second capital city to command everything when there was the emergency period in Ayutthaya.

ECOCAR rent-a-car at Lopburi : Pasak Cholasit Dam

 Car Rental Thailand Pasak Dam

This is a dam in Central area which it is located between Lopburi-Saraburi. It is one of the project from King Bhumibol Adulyadej, King Rama IX for developing and improving about water mangement to Bangkok from repetitiously water flood in Pasak River area as Lopburi, Saraburi and Ayutthaya. You can drive along Route 3017 from Lopburi area or Route 21 from Saraburi area and turn right to Route 3017 in kilometer 21.

ECOCAR rent-a-car at Saraburi : Phu Khae Botanical Garden

Car Rental Thailand Saraburi Phu Khae Botanical Garden

It's a plant library for your relaxation in the good atmosphere wide space. There are many kinds of the tropical flora that some kinds will be the herbs for diseases treatment. It has been opened since 1941 and has been the first botanical garden in Thailand. You can see easily that it besides the Route No.1 Phaholyothin Road in the left hand side or the right hand side if you come from Lopburi.

ECOCAR rent-a-car at Saraburi : The Tree Tunnel

Car Rental Thailand ECOCAR Tree Tunnel

It's on Route 2089 that it's not far from Route 3017 that can pass from Pasak Cholasit Dam. You can see a strangely beautiful tree tunnel from many mimosa trees on both side of this route around kilometer 24-25 to create like as a tunnel-looking view in 200 meters long. If you need to take a photo, you ought to turn a light for reminding other cars around your photo-taking site.

ECOCAR rent-a-car at Saraburi : Chet Sao Noi Waterfall National Park

Car Rental Thailand ECOCAR Saraburi Chet Sao Noi

It can be your relaxation surely from the natural water that you can swim all year. It's located in Muak Lek district area. If you travel from Saraburi downtown, take Mittraphap road from Saraburi intersection until reaching kilometer 35-36. Then turn left and take the route 2224 that you can see the banner to go to the waterfall national park.


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